Ancient Egyptian gods rise again in The Red Pyramid

Percy Jackson fought Greek gods and now Carter and Sadie Kane battle to keep the Egyptian gods from taking over the world in Rick Riordan’s new series, The Kane Chronicles

The Red Pyramid is the first book in the new series and it’s totally awesome!  Brother and sister, Carter and Sadie Kane have lived apart since their mother died when they were young.  Carter travels the world with his dad who’s a brilliant Egyptologist, and Sadie lives with her grandparents in London.  When their dad destroys the Rosetta Stone in the British Museum, he releases some dangerous Egyptian gods that have been trapped for centuries.  Set, the god of chaos, traps Carter’s dad in a gold tomb and Carter and Sadie have to run for their lives.  To save their dad, they must defeat Set and his minions.   Along the way they are helped by some powerful gods who help them discover the truth about their family and unlock the magic inside them.  

I love the way that Rick Riordan creates a story around myths and legends and The Red Pyramid left me wanting to know more about Egyptian myths and legends.  He makes the gods seem cool, particularly Anubis (even though he’s the god of the underworld). The Red Pyramid is exciting, action packed, and the perfect book for those who loved the Percy Jackson series.  I can’t wait for the next one in the series!   10 out of 10

2 Responses so far

  1. 1

    stmichaelsbloggers said,

    Now that I’ve finished reading the Percy Jackson series I plan to start reading the Kane Chronicles and from your description it sounds really good!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. 2

    jt wittmeyer said,

    does anyone know why the gods helped the kanes in there battle against set?

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